Map and software updates
Maps are updated once a year and are offered for the following regions:
- Europe
- Western Europe
- Eastern Europe
- Turkey
- North America
- South America
- Colombia
- Australia & New Zealnad
- Southeast Asia
Software updates
In case a new version of software is available, the Utility will upgrade your device.
- Update your software to the latest version.
- Discover and enjoy the latest software features.
- Enhance your software with the latest bug fixes.
Map updates
- Enjoy easy access to free or paid* map updates.
*depending upon project specification - Map updates are available only online. The device needs to be connected to internet.
- Uninstall maps you do not currently need and restore them later to save space on your device.
Enjoy multilingual environment
Sygic Update Assistant is available in the following languages:
- English
- Italian
- Polish
- French
- Spanish
- Russian
- German
- Czech
- Slovak
- Dutch
- Portuguese (PT)
- Hungarian
System and software requirements
Supporting versions of Sygic software
Sygic Drive 10s version 8.32 or higher
Sygic 12.0 or higher
Sygic Drive 10s version 8.32 or higher
Sygic 12.0 or higher
Computer OS requirements
Windows XP or higher
Device requirements
WinCE and Android platform
Connection via mass storage mode or SD card
Windows XP or higher
Device requirements
WinCE and Android platform
Connection via mass storage mode or SD card
Why to keep your maps up-to-date?
- Newest map data provides the most dependable routing
- Newest Point of Interests
- Newest speed camera databases
- Newest 3D cities and landscapes